Overview of SingleStore services illustrated

SingleStore services

Power faster insights, operational efficiency, & cloud adaptability

The Bahwan CyberTek Edge

Our comprehensive digital portfolio, data flexibility, and advanced AI-ML capabilities help us deliver efficient SingleStore integration solutions for our clients.

Comprehensive digital portfolio.

Enable rapid decision-making

Data flexibility.

Leverage scalable AIML applications

AI & ML expertise.

Accelerate operations and cloud migration

Accelerate innovation with SingleStore's data platform

Drive innovation with SingleStore's versatile data platform. Handle structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data effortlessly. Generate real-time insights and build a dynamic business ecosystem with actionable intelligence.


Our solutions 


Gopinath Suresh Kumar

Associate Vice President, Sales Consulting, US

With exponential growth of data volumes and AI, it is critical for organizations to understand the significance of connectivity and distribution in their IT infrastructure. This requires proactive adoption of emergent technologies. Organizations who place data as a strategic asset above all else will thrive.

Destroy data silos.
Drive informed decision-making

What Bahwan CyberTek can do

By leveraging BCT's expertise and SingleStore's innovative platform, firms can future-proof their data strategy- From migrating legacy systems to processing massive data volumes and integrating advanced analytics, the partnership enables firms to accelerate innovation, drive digital transformation, and achieve sustainable growth, positioning them for long-term success in the digital age.

Achieving sustainable success

Moving from digitization to future readiness

The Bahwan CyberTek edge


Comprehensive Digital Portfolio

Our extensive digital services include big data & analytics, cloud computing, and transformation consulting, ensuring robust and versatile support for SingleStore integrations.


Data Flexibility

We embrace diverse data formats and volumes to offer advanced SingleStore solutions. This provides maximum ingest, accelerated transaction processing, and rapid query performance.


AI & ML expertise

Our AI and ML integration capabilities provide superior speed, scale, and capability for SingleStore integration, allowing clients to utilize SingleStore's robust data platform.

We provide remarkable expertise, support, and access to the mostAdvanced SingleStore Solutions

With Bahwan CyberTek on your team, you are empowered to achieve—and exceed—any goal you set.

Case studies


Emerging energy trio

How to prepare your business teams to become AI natives and #futurefit

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Diversity & inclusion in business

The Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion is Proven. What Next?

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Automation for cloud operations

Automation Excellence: Efficient Operations, Maximum Cloud Value

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